Barcelona Pallars Common Kitchen (4) Barcelona Pallars Common Kitchen (4)

Complaints Policy Italy

Our Commitment

aparto is committed to delivering a great service at all times. However, we accept that there may be times when we don’t get things right the first time. We therefore take a positive and constructive approach to complaints, and regularly review our service and accommodation to ensure it meets the standards our customers expect.

aparto will always endeavour to resolve any complaints in the shortest possible timeframe, in a professional manner, and with the view of reaching a satisfactory conclusion for both parties. As a result of any complaints, aparto may review and make changes and improvements accordingly.

How to make a Complaint

We encourage you to raise any complaint in person at the reception. Our teams will always make effort to resolve your complaint at this point. If this is not possible, your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the process below.

All complaints must be made directly to the site that you have been dealing with. Any complaints that are sent to Head Office will be redirected to the relevant site for them to investigate in the first instance.

Complaints Process

Please submit your first complaint to the reception, either in person, by email to the relevant site team  or through the resident portal.

We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.