6 top tips for self care this new year 6 top tips for self care this new year

6 top tips for self care this new year

top tips

6 top tips for self care this new year

18 January 2022


by Louise Todd

Louise Todd

We are back with more top tips to help you kickstart your 2022 the right way. It’s easy to get caught up in University work and socialising, so much so that you forget about taking time for your own self care. We’re here to help guide you to a more balanced lifestyle.


1. Take time away from your studies

Life is all about balance, too much of something can make you sick of it, and that includes studying! You may be stressed and studying 24/7 for exams, but remember to take time for yourself. Go for a walk or head down to the gym, take a short shower, go for a coffee or lunch with a friend. The one thing that got me through my studies was a lunch time trip to boost smoothies and a stroll around town with my uni pals. This gave us the time to chat about life and support each other with the frustrations we were feeling whilst completing university.


2. Get to bed early

It’s proven that you need at least 8 hours of sleep to function properly on a daily basis. If you're thinking of staying up all night studying then I personally would advise against it. You need to take time to let your brain heal and absorb all of the information that it collected that day. A night out can be a good distraction from your studies, but multiple nights out in a row is going to damage your sleeping pattern and affect what you do during the day time. 


3. Eat healthy and try out fakeaways

Healthy body, healthy mind. If you are eating healthily and you feel good you’re going to find you have more energy and confidence to complete your studies. Next time someone suggests a takeaway why not cook yourself and your flat mates a fakeaway. It’s cheaper, healthier, just as tasty and a great bonding activity for you and your friends. Run a come dine with me competition within your flat when each night a different person cooks or join one of our virtual cook-alongs, ask your resident ECA for details of what we have coming up.


4. Drink more water

Aim to drink two litres of water a day, this is proven to help with brain function. Drinking lots of water will also set you up better for a night out. You can even buy yourself a nice reusable water bottle from Chillys, that you can take to uni and will keep your water cool all day. Another great initiative that helps avoid single use plastics, is the Just Water cartons, which are recyclable plant based cartons. My personal favourite drinking bottle, the aparto water bottle, which is made out of recycled ocean plastic and was gifted upon check in. If you do not have one, feel free to ask reception if they have any spares. It's the must have aparto accessory! 


5. Move more

Sitting at a desk for twelve hours a day is not ideal. Make sure you get out for walks, head to the gym or even have a wander around your local community, park, thrift shops or city. We regularly host group hikes, Pilates and yoga classes. Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook page for the latest news and upcoming events.


6. Declutter

Take some time to declutter! Sort through old clothes, books or unwanted belongings and donate them to your local charity shop or ask your residence team are they organising any sustainable upcycle events. You can also buy some reasonably priced storage boxes from a local store or why not use an shoe box to use as a storage to organise your space. A tidy room will help you focus on the tasks ahead. 



Louise Todd

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