Easy recipes on a student budget: 5 ingredients or less Easy recipes on a student budget: 5 ingredients or less

Easy recipes on a student budget: 5 ingredients or less


Easy recipes on a student budget: 5 ingredients or less

03 February 2021


by aparto admin

aparto admin

Dorset Point resident Daniela shares 3 simple dishes to cook up in your student accommodation that are not only tasty but won’t break the bank. What’s even better is you’ll only need a maximum of 5 ingredients per dish. Perfect recipes for both solo dining and treating your flat mates.

We have all heard it: ‘you are what you eat’. I did not think of it literally, until someone told me eating too many carrots can make your skin orange. Believe it or not, this is a real condition known as carotenemia. Hence the importance of a balanced diet.

Here are 3 simple dishes you can make with 5 ingredients or less. One of these includes carrots, but fear not, your skin is safe if consumed in small doses.


Smoked Salmon Tropical Salad  

salmon salad on a plate

A go to lunch dish and no cooking required. The added addition of mango and lime gives it a great tangy kick. You can always substitute mango for orange too.


  • 1 pack of smoked salmon
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 bunch of mint leaves
  • ½ cup mango
  • ½ lime


  1. Cut the smoked salmon, the avocado, the mango and mint leaves into small pieces. Place into a bowl
  2. Mix and add the juice of half a lime
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste


Chicken, Bacon and Broccoli Casserole

chicken casserole in a dish

Casseroles are great warming meals in the colder months. Veggies fear not, you can always substitute the meat for Quorn or other meat free alternatives. With the sprinkle of cheese on top, what’s not to like? If you want some added veggies, garnish with chopped avocado.


  • 1 chicken breast
  • ½ cup of broccoli
  • 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 200g of bacon


  1. Cut the chicken breast, the broccoli and the bacon into small pieces.
  2. Season with salt and pepper. Place into a mould.
  3. Cover mix with shredded mozzarella cheese
  4. Bake until de cheese is grated and browned 


Baked Tuna Croquettes

croquettes on a platter

Perfect for a side dish or snack, try these tuna bakes. Easy to make and covers some of your 5 a day.


  • 1 can of tuna
  • ¼ onion
  • ¼ cup of grated carrots
  • ½ cup of red peppers (preferably canned)
  • 1 egg


  1. Preheat oven to 200ºC
  2. Cut the onions and the red peppers into small cubes. Put them in a bowl.
  3. Add the grated carrots, the can of tuna and the egg
  4. Season with salt and pepper and mix well
  5. Shape the croquettes, by creating oval-shaped figures and place them in the oven
  6. Bake for 20-30 minutes


Written by Daniela at aparto Dorset Point.

At aparto student accommodation we run a range of virtual events to support our residents including cooking classes! Check out the action on our Instagram page and find your nearest aparto here.

aparto admin

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